Rally Obedience

Are you looking for some entertainment that you and your dog can do together?
CKC Rally is a companion sport to CKC Obedience. Both events require teamwork between dog and handler, along with similar performance skills. Rally provides an excellent introduction to all CKC companion performance events for dogs and handlers. The chief objective of rally is to provide a fast-moving and motivational activity that demonstrates the competency of handler and dog in performing basic obedience exercises without requiring exact precision for success. Rally can also provide the opportunity to refine training skills for competitors in other events.
Dogs in rally obedience events should demonstrate willingness and enjoyment. To that end, handlers may use praise, encouragement, and petting throughout a rally course.

Class Requirements
Any dog over 1 year of age
Previous Manners & Life Skills class required
Up to Date on Vaccines
Kennel Cough Vaccine Recommended
Class tuition is $395 + HST for 6 week program
All payments are paid on the first night.
Cancellation Policy
After the first class there are no refunds.